If you have a solid grasp of what the market trends are in construction, you can better design your homes to accommodate those trends. This in turn should increase your sales price and your number of home sales. Let’s take a look at what is on the current home-buyer’s wish list. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES While multi-family housing was a hot trend in the 2015 housing industry, in 2016 it is predicted to slow. Instead, the single family home will have a 20% increase, according to Dodge Data’s 2016 Construction Outlook. The main driving force for this increase is the Millennial … Read more »

As America’s population ages, the demographic which needs accessible housing is increasing. The Baby Boomer generation, one of the largest generations, is entering their retirement years. This increase in the aging population means that more accessible homes are needed. In addition, an estimated 56 million Americans – not just the elderly – have some sort of disability. What are you, as a builder, doing proactively to accommodate the needs of this generation? While the Americans with Disabilities Act mandated requirements for accessibility in public places, it has no bearing on private residences. Nonetheless, it is to your advantage as a … Read more »